Unique expedition of 5200 km from the top most to bottom most town of India with a mission of creating awareness about saving rivers and conservation of water
Statistics of the expedition:
Started on 8th November 2018 and completed on 21st February 2019 in 104 days
Highest altitude of 13,478 ft to sea level
Minimum temperature of -14 degree and maximum of 42 degree
Cycled through Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu
Unique expedition for saving rivers and conservation of water
Covered more than 72 rivers en-route
Met more than 15,000 people and attended numerous talk-shows, gatherings and seminars
Associated with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for their "Eat right” movement
Discussed about methods of saving water in restaurants, seminars and gatherings- how not to waste potable water where people vowed to follow them
Inspired rural people to keep water bodies and rivers clean and plant more trees along them- many of them responded back in affirmative with activities post the expedition